Energy Storage Solutions
Adding value to
power generation by
optimising availability
and usability
Industrial-scale, battery-based energy storage systems compensate for the unpredictable nature of renewable energy sources, stabilise power supply, serve as a backup solution, and reduce total energy costs.
Common Use Cases for our Energy Storage Solutions include:
Micro-Grid Storage
Using batteries to complement renewable power generation can massively reduce or completely eliminate your reliance on grid power. Our storage solutions allow you to generate clean power when renewable resources are available and then use it later when it is needed the most.
Grid Stabilisation
As the use of power from renewable sources increases, often combined with more traditionally generated power, the need for and importance of frequency regulation increases. Our industrial battery storage solutions meet this need by providing immediate frequency response.
Backup Power
Having an adequate backup system is an important part of your strategy to avoid business interruption due to planned and unplanned unavailability of grid power, e.g., in the form of loadshedding and outages due to equipment failure. Our battery-based energy storage solutions can be activated in less than 30 milliseconds, can operate with power from the grid, renewable sources, or a combination of both, and with or without a thermal backup solution in place.
Peak Shaving
Power utilities usually charge significantly higher rates during peak times, escalating costs for businesses that require a lot of power at these times. Charging batteries during off-peak times when electricity tariffs are lower, and then discharging them during peak times can save you a lot of money.
Maximum Demand Charge Savings
Commercial electricity tariffs often penalise consumers for requiring short-term high levels of electricity, with a Maximum Demand Charge levied on the highest 15 minutes of demand over the billing period. These charges can add up to 40% or more of a commercial consumer’s electricity bill. The installation of batteries can be used to significantly reduce these maximum demand charges.

Energy Storage
Key Benefits of Energy Storage
- Helps facilitate the transition from fossil-fuel based to renewable power
- Solves the timing problem between when renewable energy is generated and when it is needed
- Helps reduce your reliance on the national utility power grid
- Reduces the impact of power shortages and planned and unplanned outages (load shedding, generation plant breakdowns, transmission cable breaks/theft, etc.)
- Cuts costs – generate your own power, buy it from a direct, non-utility producer, benefit from peak shaving, etc.