Business Intelligence
World-class technology that gives you the best business intelligence to improve energy efficiency
Our AI-based business intelligence platform uses advanced analytical software to collect and analyse data, giving you a better understanding of your operation and design inputs, and then helps to improve decision-making processes.
Using green energy efficiently is as important as producing it sustainably – and optimising your energy use can lead to huge benefits. Reducing demand by 10% through more efficient use of energy has the same effect as generating 10% more – without the cost and potential impact on carbon footprint.
Business Intelligence
Globally renowned thermal fluid system and power and process plant simulation software.
The first step to ensuring energy optimisation and efficiency is having the right tools to design and optimise power plants and related facilities at the outset.
To achieve this, we make use of cutting-edge thermal fluid system simulation software (Flownex) and full-scope power and process plant simulation software (SimuPACT) – globally-renowned software platforms that were expertly developed by our associate company M-Tech Industrial.

Business Intelligence
Flownex® Simulation Environment (SE)
The Flownex® Simulation Environment (SE) flow and heat transfer system simulation software allows engineers to study and understand how flow and heat transfer systems, where fluid is the driving factor, will behave in real-world environments, and to examine all possible variations in the design and optimisation phase of systems.
This state-of-the-art engineering tool makes it possible to perform detailed integrated systems modelling quickly and accurately for a wide range of industry applications, e.g., power conversion cycles, cooling equipment, and flow distribution networks.
The software package contains a complete library of flow components, full conjugate heat transfer, and advanced fluid models and mixtures, can simulate analogue and digital control systems and features a modern and intuitive user interface to help with your workflow and productivity.
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Business Intelligence
The SimuPACT integrated full-scope power and process plant simulation software platform is an extremely powerful, scalable, flexible, and integrated solution built for all leading industries and systems that allows engineers to develop high fidelity, full-scope power and process plant simulators quicker than ever before. It sports a modern, intuitive graphical user interface which makes it exciting to develop, analyse and train on.
SimuPACT embraces the latest software technologies and engineering strategies, and its modelling tools cover a wide range of applications.
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Business Intelligence
Commercial Building Management
Digital solutions that optimise energy use and turn your facility into a smart building
Factories, warehouses, distribution centres, office blocks, malls, shopping centres, hotels, restaurants, medical facilities, and any other type of commercial building can be responsible for wasting valuable power.
Heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC), lighting, and other power-consuming systems that are left to run at full capacity even though nobody is working or present in the areas they serve can lead to excessive and unnecessary energy consumption.
Three problems result from this:
- Higher than necessary energy costs
- Increased carbon footprint (wasted energy still needs to be produced)
- Unnecessary maintenance costs related to equipment that runs for more hours than it needs to
To solve these problems, we implement third-party digital solutions to create a comprehensive building energy management system (BEMS) that integrates and uses diverse data to intelligently manage equipment, turning your facility into a smart building and optimising the way you use energy.
This helps your business by:
- Cutting energy costs by reducing excessive consumption
- Eliminating unnecessary maintenance costs caused by equipment overuse
- Reducing your overall carbon footprint
- Improving your Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) monitoring.
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Business Intelligence
Internet of Things (IoT)
Monitoring data collection, AI-based analysis, and feedback to managers and engineers.
Monitoring data drawn from key equipment can be analysed, interpreted, and used as vital business intelligence to drive better, more informed decision making that results in more efficiency and lower running costs.
Wherever industrial equipment is used, there is always the risk of failure. When they do occur, failures are costly – both in a direct sense (repair cost) and an indirect one (lost production and other business interruption due to machine downtime).
Supply-side (power generating) and demand-side (power consuming) pieces of equipment are both prone to unexpected failure, and, often, relying on manual maintenance schedules, manufacturer recommendations, or gut feel is an inexact science. Even when they don’t break down, machines that are not running at their peak often use more power than they should or don’t generate, convert, or transmit electricity at the maximum possible output.
Fortunately, this is one of the many areas in today’s world where the Internet of Things (IoT) can be very valuable.
We install sensors on all key pieces of equipment to measure vibration, temperature, component wear, lubricant levels and condition, and a host of other factors that indicate when a machine needs servicing, replacement of worn parts, or is at risk of imminent failure.
Data is then collected, via cables or wirelessly, from these sensors and analysed via our advanced AI platform, and the results are fed back to management/engineering staff to improve operational decision-making and maintenance scheduling.
This process of monitoring, predictive analysis, and predictive maintenance results in fewer breakdowns, less unnecessary maintenance, and a more profitable business.
to find out more about how our business intelligence solutions can benefit your business.